-Bailey is jibber jabbering almost constantly now! She can say bites when she wants more food, she is working on saying puppy and pretty.
-She still hasn't walked on her own yet. She has taken a step, and I know she could walk on her own if she tried...I think it's a mixture of being scared and a little lazy! :)
-She is getting more fun every day! Me and Nick can really play with her at night now and I love it. She loves tackling daddy! And her favorite new thing now is front rolls.
-So far she hasn't turned down any food we've given her. Her favorite food is probably green beans and she LOVES biscuits and gravy.
-Her favorite sign is "more"...although it looks a little more like she's clapping her hands :)
-She loves drinking out of mine or Nick's cups or water bottles. She's very good at straws now.
-She points at everything! Usually as soon as I get her out of her crib in the mornings she points at her bed, and then the rest of the day she points!
-I've been showing her how the lights turn off and on. She actually flipped the light switch off the other day!
-She's figured out how to turn the water on in the bath tub at my mom's!!
As October 9th inches closer, we are finalizing her birthday plans. Her bday falls on a Thursday during Fall Break, so I am taking off that day and me and Nick are taking her to have her pictures made. I'm interested to see how it goes this time. She's always done so well in the past, but she is so hesitant around strangers now that I'm a little nervous! I'm not sure what else we're going to do that day, but it's just going to be the three of us. We're having her party on the 11th. It's a cupcake theme party! I'm making cupcakes for everyone and then Bailey will have her own little cake! I have ordered her dress and hat and they should be arriving next week sometime. Here is kind of what the dress will look like. They did not have the pom pom trim anymore, so that won't be at the bottom...but hers will have a brown zig zag trim at the bottom...and of course it will say Bailey.

Here are some pics of Bailey...

This was baked ziti night. We let her feed herself and it was every where! She was getting tired while she was eating and started pulling on her ears...she had spaghetti sauce in EVERY crevice of her ear!!
This is something I have always wanted to do with her hair...since she has so much of it! Me and Brittany gave her crazy pony tails all over...she looks like a punk baby :)

We went to the Apple Festival last weekend at Evan's Orchard. We had a great time! This first picture is our happy sunflower family! Nick wasn't too excited about taking this :)
Bailey helped me pick apples to make an apple pie...which I'll be making this weekend.
So cute! I was thinking about her yesterday and how I can't believe it's already been a whole year! She is getting so big!
Nicole, that dress is absolutely adorable. I can't wait to see pictures of this big event!
She is so cute! It is exciting that she is doing all of that fun stuff! They grow up so quick! Her bday dress is adorable... she will be beautiful! I'm ready for a playdate when you guys are!
good to see new pics of little bailey!! she has so much hair~ :) loved the pony tails!
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