Thursday, June 23, 2011







But since the culprit is so cute, I guess I'll get over it.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Simply Fresh

That little tab at the top of my blog, the one that says Recipes, yeah that one, I haven't updated it in...forever! That doesn't mean we're not still trying new recipes at the Maxwell House, it just means I haven't been documenting them or taking photos of them. However, this ridiculously easy recipe is just so darn good that I had to share.

I think I've made this almost every week since I first discovered it, I like it that much! It just tastes so fresh that I can't get enough of it!

Lemon, Corn & Zucchini

1 small zucchini, halved lengthwise and thinly sliced

1/3 cup chopped onion

1/4 teaspoon dill weed

1 tablespoon butter

1 (15.25 ounce) can whole kernel corn, drained

2 teaspoons lemon juice

In a skillet, saute the zucchini, onion and dill in butter until onion is tender. Add corn and lemon juice; cook and stir until heated through.

The only alterations I made to this dish were that I used 3 ears of fresh corn, because really, who wants to use canned corn when you get good, sweet fresh corn?! And the first time I made this I only had green onions in the house, so that's what I used, and it turned out so well that I always use them now. For just a little something special, I also added a little freshly grated parmesan at the end. Pecorino Romano works great also, as that's all I had on hand last night.

Who's Going to Lend a Helping Hand?

If you see a mom with her kids, who obviously has her hands full, do you open the door for her? Pick up the sock that fell from her baby's foot that she hasn't noticed? Give a knowing and understanding smile of encouragement when you see her wrestling with a squirmy and screaming baby?

I would like to think that most people would answer yes to all of the above. And if you're a woman yourself, especially if you're a mother, I would like to think that it would be a resounding yes. However, it seems that isn't always the case.

When I was pregnant with Peyton, I was talking to my mom one day about how it seemed more men were willing to go out of their way to help than any women did. Open doors when they saw me waddling towards the store with Bailey by my side. Offer to pick something up I (or Bailey) might have dropped. Give up a seat at a party when they see me standing in heels and carefully keeping balance against the protruding belly threatening to topple me over.

Now that I have two children in tow, quick errands aren't as quick or easy as they used to be, and the trend with men being more helpful has continued.

While I was on maternity leave, I got in the routine of going grocery shopping on Mondays instead of the normal Sunday shopping we usually did. This way we didn't have to use our weekend time together as a family to do this errand. I would strap Peyton into my Maya wrap (which deserves it's own post because I LOVE it!) and put Bailey into the front of the cart and off we'd go. Usually Peyton cooperated and would sleep on me while we shopped, but there was one day that she wasn't having any of it. There we were in the produce aisle, me trying my best to calm Peyton down who was red faced and screaming and Bailey who was starting to get a little impatient and me, who, well, was also starting to get a little impatient. I tried to steer clear of other shoppers and did finally manage to get Peyton under control, but not before noticing a few looks of annoyance from more than one shopper...all female! Really? Peyton was maybe 3 or 4 weeks at this point. Guess what, babies cry!

Then, in the same trip, I was making my way down one of the aisles. Now, since Peyton was asleep by this point she was starting to lean over my shoulder, which meant I had one hand on her in the sling and the other guiding the cart. Not always easy to do. This certain aisle had several store employees in it trying to stock shelves. I was trying my best to maneuver around the pallets on the floor, the other shoppers and the handed. The other shoppers in the aisle, who were women, just looked at me. Never once moving their carts to maybe make it a little easier.

Now, on to the part of the story that restored my faith in humanity. While going down another crowded aisle, I came to an impasse, an unattended cart. As I was trying to get my own loaded down cart around it, a man hurried over and moved it saying "Here, let me get out of your way, you obviously have your hands full." I thanked him profusely.

After we finished our trip and headed outside it was time to unload everything. I was placing the bags in the back of my car with Peyton still strapped to me and Bailey in the cart. This very nice older man came over and asked if he could help me. I told him no thank you, but that I really appreciated his offer. He asked again, making sure I really didn't need any help, and again I told him no, but thank you.

Okay, now let me say this - I don't feel like I am owed any extra help just because I have two children. What bothers me is that this story is just one of many experiences I've had where it seems men are more apt to help a pregnant woman/mom out with her kids than women are. I just don't get it! I'm sure the few of you that read this little blog are the exception, because I know (even if it is just through your blogs) you, and you are all generous kind people, but that doesn't seem to be the case with the others. At least not in my experiences. What about you all? Have you noticed this too? Or have I just had bad luck?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

First Smiles

There are so many firsts to look forward to when you have a new little baby. First steps, first words, first kisses. But one of my favorites is that first smile. I even love those very first "gassy" smiles. With both my girls, once they started giving me real smiles, I was on a mission to capture that adorable face on camera. And with both of them, they made me work for it. They'd smile, I'd break out the camera, and they'd stop. Little stinkers! I think Bailey was a little more cooperative, but Peyton was not interested in letting me document this first for her! Not deterred, I kept trying until I finally got a good picture. Here are snap shots of both my princesses and their first smiles caught on camera.

Bailey Grace

Peyton Kei
I could stare at those faces all day!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Two Month Check Up

**I realized tonight that I had saved the below post last month and never posted it! I figured I might as well go ahead and share it, even though it is a little old now...**

Yesterday we had Peyton's two month check up. I was glad it was finally time because I wanted to talk to her doctor about her little belly issues. As I had mentioned earlier, after calling in they had prescribed her a laxative. We weren't sure how long to use it, and after things seemed to be returning to normal, we had stopped giving it to her. But then the hard bowel movements returned. It's the most pitiful thing. They get so hard that she can't hardly pass them and she just screams. The doctor said we can continue using the laxative, and probably just do it once a day. She said it's essentially like a prescription Karo syrup, so it's nothing that will hurt her. She said some babies just need a little help.

She was 22.5 inches long and 10 lbs, 11 ounces. She was a champ with her shots! She had 3 shots and one she had to take orally. She cried at the shots (of course) but by the time we left the office she had stopped. She slept most of the rest of the day and never had any side effects from them. The doctor said she looked perfect, but of course, we already knew that!

A New Routine

This past week was my first official week back to work. As I had mentioned on here previously, I took 6 weeks of actual maternity leave and then 6 weeks of working from home. Monday I went back to the office, but with a new schedule. Now I will be working in the office on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and I'll be working from home on Tuesday and Thursday.

We have been really fortunate, and up until now, my mom had kept Bailey while Nick and I worked. She even continued watching her after she decided to go back to school to get her nursing degree. She had been working on her general education classes, and was able to take evening and weekend classes. She finished up this spring and was accepted into nursing school, which means she will be in class all day 4 days a week. I am beyond proud of her and excited for her! Of course, with her new schedule it meant we had some decisions to make. We looked into child care briefly and just couldn't swallow the cost, especially with two kiddos. Then I got to thinking that since my bosses were being kind enough to let me work from home for part of my extended maternity leave, that maybe they would allow me to do a couple days a week once my leave was over. After discussing it and figuring out a plan, they were on board! Tuesday and Thursday seemed like the best days because Bailey will be starting half day preschool in the fall on those days, and this way I will be able to take her and pick her up myself. And with her at school for the morning and Peyton (hopefully!) napping, I'll be able to really focus on work.

Nick's mom will be keeping the girls on Wednesdays, but as of right now we don't have anything lined up for Mondays. We thought it was covered, and then realized it wasn't. Right now he is home for summer, so we have a little time to figure things out. I think I could probably work from home that day as well, but Mondays are always such a busy day trying to catch everything up from the weekend, that I think it would be a little hard.

I was nervous about going back on Monday, but I am loving this new set up! Before I always felt guilty about not getting to spend enough quality time with Bailey during the week, and I was really worried about how hard it would be with two girls needing attention. With this schedule I don't feel guilty when leaving for work because I know I have two whole days during the week to spend time with them. And on the days I work I feel more focused because, again, no guilt! And to be completely honest, it has been so nice to go into the office and enjoy some quiet time with my coffee before everything gets going.

I feel so lucky to have this opportunity to spend more time with the girls while still helping provide for my family and feeling like a productive member of the world outside the Maxwell house!